For several months now, the Parks Committee of the Belle Isle Resident’s Association Board has been working with Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, the Miami Beach Parks Department, and the Miami Beach Sustainability Department to install orchids on the trees in our park. This project will occur in phases and continue through next year.
The first phase has involved the installation of about 20 hybrid Phalaenopsis orchids in the Sabal palms on the western side of the park. The orchids, donated by Belle Isle residents, were secured in the palms with the help of the Miami Beach Parks Department.
Pictured below: Ruben Martinez of the Parks Department on a ladder, and Deborah Cohen, Belle Isle resident.

The excessive heat and heavy rain have been a concern, but we are hoping that they adapt and begin to grow.
The second phase, which occurred this past week, is part of Fairchild Tropical Garden’s Million Orchid Project.
Their goal has been to install one million native orchids throughout Miami Dade County and the South Florida region, with a particular emphasis on urban environments.

These are all young plants which should readily adapt and grow, with blooming expected in about one year or so.
These new orchids join our mature orchids, picture below, which have thrived throughout Belle Isle Park prior to this initiative.

For further reading, links to native Florida orchid species and Fairchild’s Million Orchid Project (MOP) can be found below:
Native Florida Orchid Species (University of Florida)
Fairchild One Million Orchid Project
The BIRA Board has committed itself to the beautification and sustainability of our lovely neighborhood park. Continued installations with Fairchild and BIRA funds will continue as weather and the availability of plant material permits. We have plans to acquire some non-native, showy bloomers that are readily adaptable to our environment and some varieties which are scented. An example is Oncidium Sharry Baby, pictured below, which smells like chocolate. Photo credit:

If you would care to contribute to our orchid project, you can do so by supporting our General Fund by making a purchase at our new online store, linked below:
Shop at Belle Isle Residents Association
We invite you to have a look up into the trees next time you take a stroll through the park, and thank you for your continued support.
Julie Petrella Arch, Park Committee
Alex Gimenez, Marketing Committee
Board of Directors of the Belle Isle Residents Association